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What Are the Best Teething Relief Methods for Babies?

What Are the Best Teething Relief Methods for Babies?

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents. To ease your worries and help your little one find relief, let's explore the best teething relief methods available.


  1. Chilled Teething Toys:

   - Chilled teething toys can provide soothing relief to your baby's sore gums. Look for ones made from safe, non-toxic materials like silicone or natural rubber.


  1. Gentle Gum Massage:

   - Use a clean finger or a soft, damp cloth to gently massage your baby's gums. This can help alleviate discomfort and provide temporary relief.


  1. Teething Rings:

   - Teething rings made from safe materials can be a lifesaver during teething. Opt for ones that are easy for your baby to hold and chew on.


  1. Cold Washcloth:

   - Dampen a clean washcloth and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Then, let your baby chew on it for relief. The cold temperature can help numb the gums.


  1. Teething Gel or Cream:

   - Consult with your paediatrician before using teething gels or creams. If recommended, apply a small amount to your baby's gums for temporary relief.


Remember to always supervise your baby during teething relief methods and avoid anything that could pose a choking hazard.

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