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Teething need to knows and how to choose the Right Teether for Your Baby.

Teething need to knows and how to choose the Right Teether for Your Baby. - Baby Boards

 Choosing the Right Teether for Your Baby: 

The arrival of baby teeth is a significant developmental milestone, varying in pace for each child. Most babies boast a full set of 20 teeth by the tender age of two and a half to three years, but as with any rule of thumb, individual timelines may differ.

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The Teething Timeline

Teeth tend to emerge in pairs, following a general order:

- Six months: Central incisors, the two bottom middle teeth, make their debut.
- Eight months:Two top middle teeth follow, appearing around two months after the central incisors.
- 10-11 months: Surrounding teeth join the party.
- 12-14 months: Back molars start to make an appearance.
- 15-24 months: The remaining canine teeth, crucial for chewing and grinding, usually emerge by the age of two.

Behaviours During Teething

Teething brings about a range of behaviours in your little one, including crankiness and increased fussiness. Patience and understanding are paramount during this period, as inflamed and tender gums can make your baby irritable.

Teething might lead to a slight increase in temperature, prompting regular temperature checks. If the temperature rises above 38°C, consult with a doctor. Sore gums can make eating less appealing, leading to a potential rejection of the breast, bottle, or solid foods. In such cases, ensuring proper fluid intake becomes crucial.

Jaw pain may manifest as ear pulling, so be vigilant to rule out ear infections. Teething often results in increased dribbling, leading to more vomit, pooping, and coughing. To combat this, keep an eye on your baby's fluids and regularly dab away excess saliva to prevent rashes.

Relief Measures and Safety Considerations

Chewing and applying pressure on the gums can temporarily alleviate teething pain. During this phase, babies tend to put everything in their mouths, making teethers an excellent choice to soothe discomfort. However, safety considerations are paramount when selecting teething products.

Safety First

When shopping for teething items, consider the following:

1. Business Legitimacy: Ensure the business is registered and insured, as these steps indicate a commitment to safety.
2. Standards and Testing: Look for adherence to safety standards and independent testing. Items like dummy clips and ring teethers should comply with standards such as DIN EN 12586 and AU/NZ 8124.

Caring for New Teeth

Before your child's teeth emerge, maintain oral hygiene by cleaning their gums and cheeks with a clean, warm washcloth. A dental check-up within six months of the first tooth's arrival is advisable to ensure proper development.

Introduce tooth brushing with a soft, small toothbrush and initially use only water. Gradually incorporate a small amount of toothpaste as recommended by your dentist, ensuring your child spits it out.

Choosing the Right Teether

With a myriad of teething options available, it's essential to find the right one for your baby. Our range offers diverse designs with distinct advantages:

1. Best of Both Worlds: Combining silicone and wood, these teethers provide a dual-textured experience for maximum relief.
2. Cool it, Baby: All-silicone designs, like our GUMMI teether, can be chilled for extra soothing during teething.
3. Age of Reason: Consider the age-appropriateness of teethers. Basic ring-style teethers are ideal for younger babies, while toy-based teethers suit older infants and toddlers.
4. **What's That Sound?:** Teething toys with wooden components create a sweet rattle sound, adding a sensory element to the soothing process.

Soothing Teething Gums Naturally

Teething can be challenging, but various natural remedies can offer comfort:

1. Chew, Baby, Chew: Teething instincts lead babies to chew for relief. Our teethers, crafted from food-grade silicone and antibacterial beech wood, provide different textures for varied relief.

2. Cool It, Baby: Chilled items, such as silicone teethers or a chilled face washer, offer a cool sensation on sore gums.

3. Amber Vibes: While opinions on amber teething necklaces vary, some parents find them beneficial. Follow instructions strictly and remove the necklace when the baby is unattended, especially during sleep.

4. A Healthy Dose: When teething becomes particularly tough, a dose of children's Panadol, recommended by a healthcare professional, can provide effective relief.

5. Free Hugs: Sometimes, a comforting hug from a caregiver is the most soothing remedy for a teething baby.

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Teething is a unique journey for every baby, and finding what works best for your little one may require some trial and error. As your baby navigates this developmental phase, rest assured that, like everything in parenting, this too shall pass. In the meantime, explore our range of safe and effective teethers to make the teething journey a bit more manageable for both you and your precious little one.

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